EFFECT OF SLIM JUNG 6 Effects of Medication 

1. Loss of appetite Medication reduces the appetite as it suppresses saliva secretion and dulls the taste nerves on the tongue. 

2. Reduces feelings of hunger Medication contains extracts of nutritional component, minerals, vitamins so you won't get hungry easily even if you reduce the amount of food you eat. 

3. Breaks down the body fat / Metabolism enhancement / Aerobic exercise effect When you take medication, your heart rate rises as if you were exercising. So you may sweat more than usual, and your body temperature may increase. 

4.Inhibit the absorption and digestion of food Medication suppresses the secretion of digestive enzymes. So when overeating or eating fatty foods, you may feel you have an upset stomach or bloated. 

5. Prevent Fatigue If you lose weight on your own, you will be very tired. As the medication has a fatigue-preventing effect, you will feel less tired.

 6. Remove edema (antiedema) Relieves upper and lower body edema